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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Greed in Victorian Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Eagerness in Victorian Literature - Essay Example In any case, Allan Quatrain cunningly recognizes that he kept this as a thought process in his psyche and the man uncovers his commonsense sense. Something else is that Gagool, the old witch specifies about the white man’s desire for white stones commonly in the story. In light of their eagerness, Allan Quatrain and his kindred men subject to serious demise involvement with the Gagool cavern. Every one of these hardships constrained them to feel relapse to their desire for unbounded riches. The idea of humanized colonization is first rate in this novel. White individuals attempt to humanize Kaukauna clan. Quatrain and his sidekicks guarantee military trades to Umbopa for ousting the insidious ruler. In any case, the issue is that the Victorian belittling soul of the white individuals is uncovered through their cognizant exertion to control the African clans through weapons. White individuals make connections just for their material advantages and they can't escape from eagerne ss. White misuse against the African clans is obvious in the novel through the character of Good and his endeavors to build up a connection with delightful Kukuana girl.White endeavors to cultivating Africans consistently came to in concealment and abuse. Despite the fact that Allan Quatrain and his friends go about as the defenders of human advancement, they can't shroud their genuine goal and voracity. Allan Quatrain uncovers this when he says accordingly; â€Å"Then we as a whole snickered and accepting it as a hint of something to look forward to. He was a bright savage was Umbopa, in a stately kind of a way, when he had not got one of his attacks of agonizing and had a magnificent talent of keeping one’s spirits up. We as a whole got attached to him†.... Due to their covetousness, Allan Quatrain and his kindred men subject to serious demise involvement with the Gagool cavern. Every one of these hardships constrained them to feel relapse to their desire for unbounded riches. Idea of acculturated colonization is first rate in this novel. White individuals attempt to cultivate Kaukauna clan. Quatrain and his sidekicks guarantee military trades to Umbopa for toppling the shrewd lord. Yet, the issue is that the Victorian disparaging soul of the white individuals is uncovered through their cognizant exertion to control the African clans through weapons. White individuals make connections just for their material advantages and they can't escape from ravenousness. White misuse against the African clans is noticeable in the novel through the character of Good and his endeavors to create connection with wonderful Kukuana girl.White endeavors to acculturating Africans consistently came to in concealment and abuse. Despite the fact that Allan Qu atrain and his colleagues go about as the defenders of development, they can't conceal their genuine aim and insatiability. Allan Quatrain uncovers this when he says therefore; â€Å"Then we as a whole snickered and took it for a promise of something better. He was a happy savage was Umbopa, in an honorable kind of a way, when he had not got one of his attacks of agonizing, and had an awesome talent of keeping one’s spirits up. We as a whole got enamored with him†(Haggard 29). Heroes like Allan Quatrain, Henry, his lost sibling and Good of Haggard’s tale speak to normal Victorian who searches influence and riches. They start their excursion with a respectable reason then it changed in to different measurements. Man looking changes to cash looking toward the end. Dickens’s saint Pip is likewise depicted as a casualty of post-
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Ideal Family of the Future Essay
Presumably everybody has their own concept of the perfect family and their perspectives about the family by and large. I’ll mention to you my opinion of it. As I would like to think, the perfect family should start with â€Å"laying the foundation†of their own relations, additionally with the certainty and comprehension to one another. In any family ought to win amicable environment, alongside affection and shared regard for every one of its individuals. Perfect family it is the point at which they generally bolster you in each troublesome second and is regardless. Perfect family it is when regardless of everything going on around, including of all the potential issues with all worldwide and family issues, issue, outrages and squabbles you keep on being one in number and strong family. With respect to the future, as I would like to think, the perfect group of things to come comprises in advising all the qualities regarding a culture from these days of your treasure in people to come. Presently I am a piece of such an incredible family. What's more, I am appreciative to my folks for it. Additionally, I trust that my â€Å"ideal group of the future†will compare of my thought regarding ​​it, and I will attempt to do everything conceivable that all it occurs.
Why I want to be a Medical Assistant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Why I need to be a Medical Assistant - Essay Example One of the serious issues in the social insurance industry is the lack of labor. Simultaneously, the quantity of patients who take cover in emergency clinics on account of constant illnesses is developing step by step. There are three significant reasons which inspired me to choose the vocation in the field of clinical collaborators: American patients are confronting challenges in discussing appropriately with outside emergency clinic staffs, America is losing immense sums in light of re-appropriating of administrative and regulatory emergency clinic employments to remote nations and Medical aide calling is profoundly secure and fairly paid calling. The majority of the individuals working in American wellbeing segment are outsiders. Due to the lack of Americans in the medicinal services industry, patients are confronting issues in discussing viably with the outsiders. It is hard for an American to discuss successfully with an outsider, regardless of whether the outsider has some info rmation in English.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride -- Wedding Toasts Roasts S
Wedding Speech from the Father of the Bride Much obliged to you for that welcome, I haven’t had adulation like that since Frank’s lone ranger party in Angels lap moving club! Women and Gentlemen, for those of you who don’t know me I’m Mike, Claire’s Dad and for the benefit of my significant other Angela and I, I might want to invite all of you here today to praise the marriage of our little girl Claire to Frank I might want to welcome Frank’s Mum, Margaret, accomplice Don, sister Helen and spouse Simon just as the entirety of our family members and companions. I realize a couple of have made a trip extensive separations to be here. Much obliged to you, its especially valued. Now I might want to make reference to three notable individuals who are not here today. Right off the bat Frank’s Dad who kicked the bucket a couple of years prior when Frank was a kid. Obviously I never knew Dave however I have as of late observed a photo and could scarcely trust it wasn’t a photograph of Frank, they were so similar. I accept that’s where Frank gets his energy for quick vehicles and engine bicycles from. I might likewise want to make reference to Claire’s Grandfather Les, who additionally died around ten years back. Claire and Les had a similar birthday He adored Claire and the other way around. Also, I might want to specify Doris, Claire’s grandma, who kicked the bucket only a month prior, she was so anticipating seeing Claire strolling down the walkway today however shockingly she surrendered to her disease. They are largely here in soul and I’m sure they are ... ... morning. At our silver wedding festivities, we brought the case down from the space, you know the one with the wedding collection , request of administration sheets and so on. I additionally ran over these (produce two L Plates) As I said I’m completely qualified now and I was going to discard them, yet then I thought I realize who could do with these (give one each to the lady of the hour and husband to be.) Not long before I close, women and honorable men, some of you will realize my own folks will commend their own Golden Wedding in February. My Mother was conceived Molly Robson and turned into a Bartle , now fifty years after the fact it’s ordinary of Claire to address the inbalance. So women and Gentlemen would you please try to remain upstanding†¦ the toast is Mr and Mrs Robson.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Dropout Design and the Disco Dance Floor
Dropout Design and the Disco Dance Floor Every year there is a contest sponsored by East Campus called the Bad Ideas Contest. Click around on there I dont think its a secret. Two years ago, there was a really bad idea. It was built by First East (thats a hall) of East Campus called the Disco Dance Floor. Matt blogged about it somewhere a long time ago. However, I am NOT recycling material (I am not that lame) because this is about the start-up company that resulted from this little happening. (photo credit scott johnston who took publicity pictures for the team) So every ridiculous thing that has some sort of entertainment value will get its 15 minutes of fame. And for this project, they got it. (Google Dance Floor) But they also expected it. What they DIDNT expect was actual interest. It was all fun and games until they got this email: From: SOMEGUY Date: April 12, 2005 7:21:07 AM EDT To: [emailprotected] Subject: your MIT dance floor To the hip guys and gals at MIT, First off let me say, Whoa dude!. Now thats out of the way let me move on. Great job with the floor, website, video and marketins selling point. The quote, more than ever. hour after hour. work is never done Of course something more like, more than ever our after hour work is never done. sound more appropriate. Considering your work course load and everything else you do at MIT. In short I just want to say, Job well done!. Now only one question remains. So when does this bad boy hit the market? You know for the home use as well as the club. I can see 50 cent or Alisha Keys using that floor in a new video. Heck with that talk to Daft Punk they would love you for it. Thanks from your dancing fan, ~SOMEGUY After some jokes and some serious discussion an even worse idea was revealed: Dropout Design, LLC: an MIT start-up! Its founders: Four MIT students. (Currently registered students, no actual dropouts) Its beginnings were humble, selling parts and kits to hobbyists and slashdot fanatics. But it soon gathered momentum as publicity increased: Subject: Floor in Popular Science? Hi â€" I’m an editor at Popular Science and I’m interested in maybe running something on your DDF. Just wondering what the current status of it is? The floor still up and operational? Any new versions in the works? Thanks, -Mike Haney ~~~~~~~~~ Mike Haney Senior Editor Popular Science It GREW AND GREW and started taking over the lives of its founders!! Here is a quote from an exclusive AIM interview with one of its founders: [01:59] Mike Mike Mike: as we made more money we were able to have more components of the floor professionally manufactured, up to the point where now we only sell assembled equipment, and once we make money from selling the assembled boards and cables well use that money to develop an enclosure for them, etc ,etc I dont know what that means but I do know that their first year they made a total of over $50,000 dollars. They were able to get a whole underground community going of disco dance floor (-table, -wall, -bar) builders from all around the world who shared tips and ideas with each other. The link to an incomplete list of builders is here. Here are a few pictures I took for their dance floor kits and components (you can see most of these on the webpage as well): Dropout Design then expanded. Hired a couple of new members and started working on side projects. One of which is the Conways Game of Life played by LEDs. This is what it looks like on the wall of the First East Walcott Lounge: Make magazine got hold of this idea and is now selling their Life Board kits. I hear they also do some consulting (?). These are pictures for a how-to on board assembly. In conclusion, starting a business is EASY and FUN! However, these kids are full-time students and dont actually have too much time to devote to the company. Were just chillin, says one member. You can make business your pass-time, too. In other news Laura already posted plenty about the ring delivery but of course I also got my ring. Most of the pictures are on Kellys camera but here are two that Michael took on mine. thats me kelly and our rings THE WHITE BALANCE IS ALL WRONG but oh well peace -Lulu Post Tagged #East Campus
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Books and More Books Reading in J.D. Salingers Franny and Zooey - Literature Essay Samples
books, books. Tall cases lined three walls of the room, filled to and beyond capacity. The overflow had been piled in stacks on the floor. There was little space left for walking, and none whatever for pacing.-J.D. Salinger, Franny and ZooeyAs books spill into the room in this scene from Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger, the theme of reading spills into most every aspect of the novel. Reading occurs so much, in fact, that there is little room to move within the story without running into the subject. The two main characters, Franny and Zooey Glass, frequently engage in the act of reading. The narrator has pieced together the story by reading the different interpretations provided by the storys characters. But, this novel is not only intrinsically about the act of reading; it also engages the reader in active reading. As readers of this novel, we become active participants in the reading in order to fill in certain gaps, or indeterminacy, left by the author. As such, reader response criticism provides a means for understanding the use of reading in the novel.According to Stanley Fish, a major feature of reader response criticism is that reading is not a matter of discovering what the text means, but a process of experiencing what it does to you (Eagleton 85). In Franny and Zooey, Franny reads The Way of the Pilgrim, a religious text describing the act of praying incessantly. Because of Frannys intense desire for enlightenment, she follows the books instructions and prays constantly. Intellectually, Franny sees this intense desire for personal satisfaction to be in conflict with her morals. She says, Just because Im choosey about what I want in this case, enlightenment, or peace, instead of money or prestige or fame or any of those things doesnt mean Im not as egotistical and self-seeking as everybody else (Salinger 148). As a result, Franny has a mental breakdown. Her need for religious answers informs how she reads the text. She is looking fo r instruction as she reads.On the other hand, Frannys brother Zooey, who also reads the work, is not reading for instruction, but merely for information. When Zooey describes the plot of the book to his mother, he says, The aim of both little books is supposedly to wake everybody up to the need and benefits of saying the Jesus Prayer incessantly (Salinger 112). His interpretation is a fairly objective academic response to the books agenda. It is obvious that he is not looking for a religious epiphany from the book. By reading it with an academic lens, Zooey experiences a totally different understanding of the text than Franny. This narration supports the reader response concept that words have no meaning until they have been read. Until Franny and Zooey read The Way of the Pilgrim, it was nothing more than black marks on a white page It had no impact on their lives, nothing more than a book in an unused room in a Manhattan apartment. Once read, those black marks conjured en ough meaning to contribute to a mental breakdown.Although words receive meaning once they are read, this meaning is not necessarily a static interpretation. As Terry Eagleton wrote, The process of reading is always a dynamic one, a complex movement and unfolding through time (77). At the opening of the second chapter of Franny and Zooey, we find Zooey in the bathtub, reading a letter from his brother Buddy the morning after Frannys breakdown. It was a long, typewritten, four-year old letter that had obviously been taken out of its envelope and unfolded and refolded [and] was actually torn in several places (Salinger 56). Zooey has obviously read and reread this letter a number of times since he received it. According to Lois Tyson, the act of rereading, results in [the] revision of our understanding of characters and events (159) because each time we reread we bring different experiences to our interpretation of the text. In the letter to Zooey, Buddy attempts to explain the r easons he and Seymour, the oldest Glass brother, chose to educate Franny and Zooey the way they did. Buddy wrote, Dr. Suzuki says somewhere that to be in a state of pure consciousness satori is to be with God before he said, Let there be light. Seymour and I thought it might be a good thing to hold back this light from you and Franny ,the arts, sciences, classics, languages till you were both able at least to conceive of a state of being where the mind knows the source of all light (Salinger 65). Frannys breakdown adds a new dimension to the meaning that Zooey has created from earlier readings of this letter, therefore enabling a new interpretation of the events and characters of the letter. While one can only speculate what meaning Zooey placed on the letter before and after the breakdown, what is significant is the act of Zooey reading, showing that his initial speculations generate[d] a frame of reference within which to interpret what comes next, but what [came] next may r etrospectively transform [his] original understanding (Eagleton 77).We find Zooey reading elsewhere in the novel as well. After he fails to talk Franny out of her depression, he leaves her crying in the living room and heads to the room once shared by Buddy and Seymour. There, surrounded by piles of books, he reads quotes written on a wall by his brothers. Salinger describes the reading as rather like walking through an emergency station set up in a flood area (175). In a way, the quote wall is an emergency station for Zooey, a crisis hotline. After reading a while, he picks up the private phone line in the bedroom and calls Franny, pretending to be Buddy, armed with new information to help make a connection with her.It is also important to note that Zooey is an actor, and what is an actor first but a professional reader? Reading, then giving meaning to the words, is a large part of what an actor does for a living. Then through rehearsal, an actors character becomes more auth entic and more believable. Zooey, as an actor, is rehearsing in Buddy and Seymours room. His initial reading is a dry run through; Zooey is trying to derive some sort of meaning to pass along to his sister. Then, with his hands drooping low over his brow, Zooey sat for a good twenty minutes (Salinger 180). During these twenty minutes, Zooey is going over his lines, creating his character before he tries again to reach his sister. Zooey recognizes that Buddy is the one who should be talking to Franny. During his first attempt to talk to Franny, Zooey says, Im no damn good for this Shall I try to get Buddy on the phone? (Salinger 149). Zooey understands that in order to have an impact on his sister, he has to be more like Buddy. By reading Buddys quotes, Zooey can play the part of his brother, and in turn, become good for this.Franny and Zooey are not the only readers in the novel. Their older brother, Buddy, narrates the second section of Franny and Zooey, and also acts as a reader of sorts. In an experiment performed by reader-response theorist David Bleich, he discovered that students writing an objective essay would focus on the same elements of the text they would focus on if they were writing a personal response to the text (Tyson 167). So, even when we think were writing traditional objective interpretations of literary texts, the sources of those interpretations lie in the personal responses evoked by the text (Tyson 167). Buddy received portions of the text in somewhat harrowingly private settings, by the three player-characters themselves (Salinger 49). The three player-characters are Buddys brother, sister, and mother. He would, of course, have some sort of personal response to each of these three storytellers. An objective reading of the text would be impossible, by extension preventing an objective narration. An indication of Buddys subjectivity occurs at the very end of the novel. During Zooeys phone call to Franny, Zooey finally s ays something that makes a connection with her. In Buddys words, it was to Franny as if all of what little or much wisdom there is in the world were suddenly hers she seemed to know just what to do next,too. She got into the bed. For some minutes, before she fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, she just lay quiet, smiling at the ceiling (Salinger 201). Without taking the narrators personal feelings into account, this ending seems to be a happy one. Franny finds peace, her life can go on. But we must not forget that it was Buddy and Seymour who got Franny into this predicament in the first place with the experimental religious education they implemented on Franny and Zooey. As a brother, Buddy needs to know that Franny found her way out of the breakdown, so he can live without the guilt of her mental demise. Knowing this, a second reading of the ending passage could be interpreted quite differently. We are never told if Franny ever gets out of bed again. Maybe she has slipped further into her breakdown, and the smiling indicates her body is no longer connected with her plaguing mental anguish. Buddy never indicates determinately what has happened with Franny.To be sure, determinate versus indeterminate meaning is a common theme among reader-response critics. Gaps left by the author force the reader to be an active participant in constructing hypotheses about the meaning of the text (Eagleton 76). Eagleton also asserts that the text itself is really no more than a series of cues to the reader (76). Buddy is a reader within the text, receiving these cues in the form of conversations and letters with his family in hideously spaced installments (Salinger 49). He then uses these different texts, not in a linear fashion, but cumulatively, to construct the language into meaning. His most recent understanding of the events is what we read as the novel Franny and Zooey.As readers, we go through the same process of cumulative meaning-making to understand the novel. We read backwards and forwards simultaneously, predicting and recollecting (Eagleton 77). We first learn about the members of the Glass family through a footnote at the beginning of Buddys narration. At this point we have no other references with which to understand these characters. As the book unfolds and we learn more about the characters, we must turn back to that footnote to fill in the blanks created by our continued reading of the text. The details of the footnote could have just as easily been included in the text, but by making the passage a footnote, it is quite easy to find and flip back to. This indicates that the author is aware that reading is a complex movement and unfolding though time (Eagleton 77) and that he expects us to want to return to this passage. This suggests that stylistically, Salinger is attempting to promote active reading.As Franny and Zooey unfolds in the minds of its readers, we begin to understand the complexity of the reading in the novel. The characters use reading as a method of understanding the world around them. The narrator uses reading as a method of piecing together an event, and ultimately uses reading to convey his interpretation of the story. As readers, we understand that reading a situation does not just mean comprehending the words on the page, but creating meaning based on these words and the gaps that invite us to create the varied but necessary filler. The novel Franny and Zooey offers us an excellent text by which we can both witness and apply reader-response criticism. Both engagements enrich our understanding of the topic and the power of reading in literature.Works CitedEagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1983.Salinger, J.D.. Franny and Zooey. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1955.Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.1999.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
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